Friday, October 30, 2009

Cute as hell, quirky and sleek. I want this ...

Oh, my gosh. This is really special. Once and for all we can all dress up like mad scientists and perform our own theme music for our world-domination plans ... Gleetchplug has developed a stylish new music software that has a clearly limited but inspiring concept: It reproduces the sound of a typical "Studio für elektronische Klangerzeugung". I'm glad its called "Berna" and not "Stocki" though I live in Cologne, one of the capitals for early electronic music ... But I am babbling, hear for yourself:

Introducing Berna vintage electronic studio from Tobor Experiment on Vimeo.

Unfortunately it comes out on the most un-nerdy computer platform ever conceived: Mac. I pray for a PC-Version anytime soon...