Finally Germany seems to get a yet small, but nevertheless promising, alternative to the most valuable, but somewhat elitary managed Tonmeistertagung which claims entrance fees ranging up to 490,- € (for non-members at specific Symposiums). Taking place in the former rooms of Cologne's most renown old EMI / Electrola Vinyl-Pressing-Plant, the Hi-End Gear Conference sound promising enough for me to be issued here, especially because the organizers decided to pull out a very sexy leitmotif: "High-End is An Attitude Not A Gear Alone". Wise words in times where the diametrically opposite forces "powerful modern audio technology" and "low production budgets" dance their shizoid waltz.
Tom Jansen, the originator of the "Hi-End Gear Pro Audio Conference", introduces his new baby on the web-site with the following statement: "The Hi-END GEAR Conference, a new and independent tradeshow for studio recording, mixing and mastering gear, will take place for the first time, this October. In addition to many exhibitors of hi-end analog outboard, there will be a focus on room-acoustics, monitoring, microphones, plus converter and clocking technologies, too. ... It is our belief that the Hi-END GEAR Conference although a small show, will become a grand step in this process, where professional producers, engineers, studio staff, and students, alike, will enjoy the exhibition, while they check out new gear and make contacts with other professionals in the business."
With very fair entrance prices an and a most interesting choice of excibitors, ranging from Universal Audio, Fairman, Rupert Neve Designs, Lavry, Brauner, Tubetech, SSL, SPL to many other well-established manufactureres of High-End Equipment, the "Hi-End Gear" will definetly be the place where I will spend the weekend of the 25th to 27th of October 2007. Ok, so let's get together and talk nerdy stuff...